
Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Postcard: Star Wars Poster (1)

Available for:

Quantity available:

9.7cm x 15cm

Postcard: Malaysia (1)

Sent to:
Safaa my best friend in the UK

Quantity available:

14.7cm x 10.5cm

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Postcrossing Received from Ukraine (ID: UA515066)

This postcard was sent by Tatiana from Ukraine (postcard ID: UA515066).

The picture on the postcard shows a Ukranian doll called Motanka. The doll is made only by winding cloth, not sewn or attached together with any pin. The doll is always faceless except there is a cross across the doll's face.

In the olden days, the mother of a bride would make Motanka doll herself for her daughter using the mother's old clothes. This doll symbolises a female's wisdom.

I really love the story behind this doll!

Postcards swap: from Genesio Wagner, Brazil

Genesio sent me three postcards in 2013. Thank you so much for swapping postcards with me. He said he is interested in trains, asking for postcard with train picture but I did not find any on our local train so I sent him something else while I continue look for suitable postcard.

Then I lost my postcard collection for years only to find it hidden on the top of a very high wardrobe. I can't remember how it got there though. Me and my bad memory!

Below are the postcards Genesio sent.

I'm hoping to continue to get in touch with Genesio so that I can send him at least one postcard of Malaysia's train.

Friday, 15 February 2019

Huda's Ranting: Kenapa Poskad?

Kenapa poskad?

Nilai poskad bagi saya tinggi. Poskad, walaupun mungkin dicetak gambar yang sama, pengirimnya berbeza, isi yang ditulis berbeza, kisahnya berbeza, laluannya untuk tiba ke penerima berbeza, postal stampnya berbeza, setemnya juga boleh jadi berbeza. Semuanya unik, tiada yang benar-benar sama.

Jika saya yang membeli poskad untuk diri saya, pengalaman yang dilalui di tempat membeli poskad itu yang bernilai. Saya kan sentimental dan nostalgik? :p

Poskad pula tidak memerlukan kos yang tinggi. Biasanya lebih murah berbanding sebuah keychain atau magnet. Hendak menyimpan poskad pula tidak memerlukan ruang yang besar. Hanya kotak plastik yang tidak besar mana boleh memuatkan beratus keping poskad. Ruangan yang kecil tersimpan pelbagai kisah. :)

Sekarang poskad sudah tidak digemari ramai. Ada sesetengah tempat poskad yang dijual sudah pudar warna akibat terlalu lama berada di rak pameran.

Tapi, somewhere out there, masih ada yang masih menghargai nilai sekeping poskad. Jika kalian berminat hendak menerima poskad daripada saya, beritahu ya. Saya cuba mengirimnya dari masa ke masa, insya-Allah.

Huda's Ranting: Introduction

Hi everyone!

I'm Huda. I've been collecting postcards since I was 12 years old but half of my collection were 'eaten' by termites, but with whatever I have left, I continue collecting postcards until now.

If you would like to swap postcards, please fill in the form available on my blog so that I know which postcard you would like to request.

As for me, I don't mind whatever postcard you're sending me but please do not send me advertisement postcards and if possible, do not send them in an envelope. I love language, abstract and visual art. I love food, books and literature, and I found history and culture interesting.

To those sending me postcards, thank you soooooooooooo much! :)

And yes, do write something interesting about your place or tell me about yourself on the postcard. Would love to hear about it! :)

And a phrase or two in your own language would be nice too. ;)

Other than here, you can find me on Instagram @hudaspostcards, Postcrossing ID hudaengku and Facebook page Huda and Her Postcards.

Huda Engku

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Postcard: Doraemon (2)

Available for:

Quantity available:

12cm x 18.5cm